

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Weekly Article - Reservoirs The Secrets Which Lie Below

I’ve written about dams in a previous blog post which I’ll link at the bottom, in this post I addressed a number of issues dams cause and their benefits however recently a new piece of information has become known. It turns out that combined the world’s reservoirs creates more greenhouse gasses than Canada.

This became apparent thanks to a literature review of more than 200 different studies published in BioScience. This study deduced that one gigaton of carbon dioxide is reduced from reservoirs annually as well as other more ‘potent’ greenhouse gasses such as methane. It is believed that these emissions occur from different sources depending on the age of a reservoir. Primarily it is sourced from the decomposing of organic matter which was present when the area was flooded, and secondly from the material which is halted in its journey down the river.

This information is important as currently many different countries are building multiple reservoir in an attempt to combat water depth and with their emissions being 25% higher than previously estimated it is a visible proportion of the total global emissions.

Check out my post on dams

Check out this articles

I will update this post when the original source material becomes available

Thanks for reading!

Check out this video from Noticanarias

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