Is this right though?
Well a recent (ish) study claims that
the pressure applied large mammals declines because of climate are not overly
significant. They suggest that humans were the sole cause of their decline.
This creates two opposing theories however; one which claims
climate change caused the extinction of large mammals after the last ice age, while
another believes that it was due to human influences that these creatures were
lost. The climate change theory tends to believe that the larger mammals were
not capable of keeping cool in the higher temperatures post ice age so they
overheated and died. This study which states humans are to blame, draws on date
which shows losses were greater in Euroasia and other areas where the human
populations began to develop at an increasing rate while they were less effected
on other continents such as Africa.
This is an extremely interesting topic and if you want to
learn more about it check out this link here
Or find the original article here
Thanks for reading!
Check out this link from TheGingerRunner
Or if you don't have long enough to watch that, check out this clip from WYMT Television
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