

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Weekly Article - Reservoirs The Secrets Which Lie Below

I’ve written about dams in a previous blog post which I’ll link at the bottom, in this post I addressed a number of issues dams cause and their benefits however recently a new piece of information has become known. It turns out that combined the world’s reservoirs creates more greenhouse gasses than Canada.

This became apparent thanks to a literature review of more than 200 different studies published in BioScience. This study deduced that one gigaton of carbon dioxide is reduced from reservoirs annually as well as other more ‘potent’ greenhouse gasses such as methane. It is believed that these emissions occur from different sources depending on the age of a reservoir. Primarily it is sourced from the decomposing of organic matter which was present when the area was flooded, and secondly from the material which is halted in its journey down the river.

This information is important as currently many different countries are building multiple reservoir in an attempt to combat water depth and with their emissions being 25% higher than previously estimated it is a visible proportion of the total global emissions.

Check out my post on dams

Check out this articles

I will update this post when the original source material becomes available

Thanks for reading!

Check out this video from Noticanarias

Monday, 26 September 2016

Fact File 008 - Cells, The Lego Of the Natural World!

If you have ever been taught any biology in school you’ll have probably learnt about cells, you may even remember that the mitochondria are the ‘power house’ of the cell. Hopefully however this fact file will help you to learn a bit more about the building blocks of every single organism on this planet.

  • Amazingly most of the cells which make up your body aren’t the same organism as you. In fact 95% of the cells which make up a human body are bacteria. The vast majority of these cells are found within the digestive tract and are about ten times smaller than human cells. This is important as although lots of people know a lot of the body is made up of bacteria the overall mass of them isn’t larger than the mass of the fewer human cells.

  • Even individual cells in an animal are not of the same origin so to speak. There are in fact two different of DNA found within the cell. There is the DNA found in the nucleus DNA which is a combination of parental DNA while the before mentioned mitochondrial DNA is only maternal DNA. This is due to the fact that in the fertilisation process the mother provides the egg (first cell) which contains all the organelles.

  • The largest cell in the human body is the female gamete (egg) and this is about 1mm in diameter. This however is tiny compared to the largest known single cell organism, there is an aquatic alga called Caulerpa taxiforlia which has been observed to grow to lengths of 30cm, which is completely insane when you think about it.

  • Finally I want to talk about Caenorhabditis elegans, or C.elegans, which is a type of nematode (roundworm). This is used as a model species for biological research because of the fact that the exact numbers of cells which make up this organism at different stages of their life cycle are known (959 somatic cells in one sex and 1031 in the other). This has allowed us to learn about cell lineages. If you want find out more about any of these fact I’d suggest you start with this one as you’d be amazed what C. elegans has taught us.

Thanks for reading!

Check out these videos from RedBull

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Alkaline Tilapia - Life Is All About Balance!

Life in the natural world is always in the balance, animals are forever calculating the risk of a task verse the reward. For instance predators attempting to take down large prey have to face the risks that they could become injured attempting to bring down their prey whilst if they succeed they gain a large reward which will sustain them for a longer time. Whilst on the other side of the scale herbivores have to weigh up the time they spend feeding verses the time they spend looking for predators.

In some cases the risks can be almost constant and extreme while the reward is simple surviving; this is the case for the Alkaline Tilapia. This fish which is found in Lake Natron in Arusha Tanzania and inhabits one of the more extreme aquatic environments found on this planet. Lake Natron is a salt and soda lake which often has temperatures which exceed 400C and due to its high levels of evaporation a pH greater than 12 so hence the fish’s name.

The scientific name of this Tilapia is Alcolapia alcalica and it is part of the Cichlidae family which has 2,000-3,000 individual species in and can be found in lakes across Africa. These fish have evolved over time to be able to cope with these extreme environments which are found in the lakes, but even they have to run the risks the lakes can posse daily. As well as the high levels of salinity found in the lake which is a problem in itself they also have to cope with the many hot springs which release water into the lake and sustain it, sometimes these springs temperature can exceed temperatures above boiling.

These springs are important for the Tilapia as they input nutrients into the lake and so large algal blooms grow round them and this is what the Tilapia feed on. These springs also mark the area of risk which the Tilapias have to face. They need to get close enough to the springs to feed on the algae but can only remain close to the springs for a few seconds before retreating to cooler water so as not to be boiling alive.

So the risk is death while the reward is life when it ‘boils’ down to it. The risks can vary though, the nearer to the spring the greater the algal growth so the pay of is better  with individuals which venture further towards the springs being stronger and in better condition but if they get the timings wrong it's game over. But this is something that the fish have to face daily.  

The Tilapia isn’t the only species which inhabits Lake Natron however it is also famously the breeding ground for 2.5 million lesser flamingos (and this is probably where you've heard of it before). These flamingos benefit from the lake as it provides a secure environment to raise their chicks safely away from predators whilst they have to grow thick scales on their legs so as to avoid alkaline burns from the water.

Thanks for reading!

Check out this video from GoPro

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Weekly Article - Humans Or Heat?

Although it has been known for many years that humans are a significant influence in the decline and extinction of large mammals historically, it has only ever been considered one of the factors to take into account though.

Is this right though?

Well a recent (ish) study claims that the pressure applied large mammals declines because of climate are not overly significant. They suggest that humans were the sole cause of their decline.

This creates two opposing theories however; one which claims climate change caused the extinction of large mammals after the last ice age, while another believes that it was due to human influences that these creatures were lost. The climate change theory tends to believe that the larger mammals were not capable of keeping cool in the higher temperatures post ice age so they overheated and died. This study which states humans are to blame, draws on date which shows losses were greater in Euroasia and other areas where the human populations began to develop at an increasing rate while they were less effected on other continents such as Africa.

This is an extremely interesting topic and if you want to learn more about it check out this link here

Or find the original article here                                                                   

Thanks for reading!

Check out this link from TheGingerRunner

Or if you don't have long enough to watch that, check out this clip from WYMT Television 

Monday, 19 September 2016

Fact File 007 - Oceans Earths Last Great Mystery!

Today’s fact file will be focusing on something we know a lot about but as a whole there is still so much more left to lean and understand. It is constantly changing and is so varied across the area which it covers. If you couldn’t tell from the title today we’ll be learning about the worlds oceans.

  • A fact that may people like to say is that the worlds surface is 71% covered by oceans. That’s a really large amount and what this fact doesn’t take into account is the depth and therefore the volume which can be inhabited. The fact that more is known about the surface of the moon than the sea bed amazes me. It is extremely hard to study the sea floor however as at some points it reaches depth greater than 11km down. But we do know that there is still life down there!

  • The biodiversity of the sea is huge. There are currently 230,000+ recorded species in the world’s oceans and there are many thousands left yet to be described. These species stretch from the giant squid to the strangest creatures like Hydrothermal vent tubeworms such as Riftia pachyptila which survive around the volcanic vents on the ocean floor, there are so many different niches within the ocean and every single one of them is filled. You can use this link to explore every described species in the oceans, check it out!

  • Thanks to its huge biodiversity the oceans are also extremely productive, and it all starts with microscopic plankton called phytoplankton (and other marine plants). In fact oceans are by far the largest carbon sinks in the world and every year they take up 2.5 billion tons annually (2002-2011), sadly however this isn’t enough to compensate for the burning of fossil fuels. But it is the source of the oceans productivity and allows creates such as the millions of different fish to exist.

  • Finally the ocean provides an environment which allows different animals to be present. I’m not just talking about the fact that it’s aquatic but more of the way the water allows certain boundries found in terrestrial species to be stretched. Water is great at supporting creates mass and therefore has allowed the evolution of the world’s largest ever creature, the Blue Whale. The size of a Blue whale is hard to describe but to put it in some context their tongues can weigh as much as a bull elephant. However without the support that dense water provides the whales they would be an impossibility, and within a terrestrial environment would be crushed by their own body weight. It’s always important to remember that this creature is sustained by krill, one of the smaller species in the sea (40 million krill or 8,000 pounds per day).

Thanks for reading!

Check out this video from BIOstation

And this one from the BBC

Friday, 16 September 2016

Umbrella Species - All For One And One For All!

Last Friday I wrote about the large Blue butterfly and referred to it as an umbrella species. So in this post I want to look into what exactly an umbrella species is and how important they actually are!

There are several slightly different definitions, but the general consensus is that an umbrella species is a species which conservation contributes to the general ecosystem due to it possessing a large habitat or other requirements which filter down to benefit different species.

As I’m sure you can gather from the definition umbrella species they are extremely importa
nt in the whole scheme of things. The majority of species which are currently undergoing conservation efforts are umbrella species. For example tigers, wolves and other large predators all of which require huge ranges to source their prey from make fantastic umbrella species. This in turn acts as a reason for large reserves to be set up and so target prey species and non-prey species to benefit from the predator’s conservation efforts. Another umbrella species which we’ve recently discussed on this blog is the Giant Panda. If you read the weekly article a few weeks ago you will know that pandas are no longer on the IUCN red list as an endangered species.
There are however some species which are not apex predators but are still known as an umbrella species. An example of which would be the Sage Grouse as they require a variety of very specific habitats throughout the year for both forage and lekking.

The term umbrella species can also be stretched into the aquatic and marine environments as well as specific reserves will not only benefit the target species but it will also protect other species from over fishing, giving them a safe environment to flourish in (depending on fishing regulations). This has been seen in the endangered humphead wrasse which is found within coral reef systems meaning effort to save this species help many thousands of other species which are found on the reefs.

An article published from the University of Washington Conservation (2001) determined that there are three areas which a species needs to possess to be a successful umbrella species. The first of which is co-occurrence of species, by this they mean that the species has to have a range which includes the greatest number of other species as possible. This makes them the ‘most profitable’ in terms of biodiversity to protect. Secondly degree of ubiquity is important, as if they are to common they will be found in all sorts of habitats and so some of those areas will have a low biodiversity and so not be a beneficial area to put the effort into. On the other hand if the species is to rare they won’t inhabit an area large enough to benefit enough other species to be classed as an umbrella species. The final areas where a species needs to excel to be a good umbrella species is sensitivity to human disturbance as animals which are sensitive are targeted as if they can be conserved other species which are either as sensitive or less sensitive will also be successful.

So umbrella species are an extremely important conservation tool, which are leading conservation efforts into more ecosystem protection rather than individual species approach.

Thanks for reading!

Check out this video from GoPro

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Weekly Article - Less Ice = Less Bears

So following the good news last week about the removal of the Giant Panda from the endangered species list there has been more news on bears this week. One of their distant relatives, the polar bear has been proven to be struggling in each of it’s 19 sub-populations .

This is because the effects global warming is having on the arctic sea ice, which is critical to a bears survival. The study from The Cryosphere showed that total number of ice-covered days are declining between 7-19 days per decade (1979-2014) and that the spring melt is occurring 3-9 days earlier per decade. Although these numbers don’t appear to be all that large they are in fact very significant, as bears use the sea ice to hunt, breed and many other life processes. When the ice isn’t present most bears will go through a period of starvation and as these periods are increasing more and more bears are struggling to make it through the leaner months. The lack of ice will also put strains on their reproduction as not only limiting there time but the knock on effect of extended starvation will lead to less success in breeding for many individuals.

Check out the paper here! (download the pdf for free)

Thanks for reading!

check out this video from BBC

Monday, 12 September 2016

Fact File 006 - Our Ever Expansion

There is only one animal in this world which has managed to successfully shape the entire world to suit its personal needs. I am of course talking about humans, and you only need to look around exactly where you are sitting to see to just what extend we have as a species managed to change this entire planet.

Today’s fact file will be focusing on construction! Stretching from the first permanent structures built to the modern day super skyscrapers humans have always been adapting and creating their own personal habitat.

  • Humans are always attempting to build higher, this is for a couple of reasons, the first of which is to create more space in areas where there are limitations, more recently however it has become a show of wealth, power and technological advancement. The tallest man made structure for 3800 years was the Great Pyramid of Giza which was only over taken in 1300 by the completion of the Lincoln Cathedral. Each new tallest building after that was only marginally higher than the last and it wasn’t till modern times that records began to be broken by significant amounts. The reason for this is due to restrictions of the materials available, cost and the effort required to create such structures. Solutions to these problems were found with steel and super strong glasses which was a lot lighter, power tools and other mechanical inventions and finally growing economies. These advancements have allowed for the Burj Khalifa (current world’s tallest building) to be built at a height of 830m.

  • As a species humans do not only build up we also build out, in fact an estimates 200 billion square meters of land is covered in concrete. This make up about 0.18% of the earth’s total surface area, which might not actually sound all that much but it’s more than double the amount of land which is covered by fresh water. You also have to take into consideration that 71% of the earth’s total surface is covered in water and so unavailable to truly build on.

  • To finish of the three axis humans are also expanding down, basements, mines and shelters are all becoming bigger and bigger. Recently (1st June 2016) the world’s longest and deepest traffic tunnel was opened in Switzerland which runs for 57.09km (for the traffic) and has a total of over 151.84km of tunnels ranging up to 2,300m below the surface of the Alps.

  • Putting an environmental cost on all is activity is extremely hard. Currently forgetting about all the destructive effects of construction (due to the fact that it is almost impossible to quantify the exact amount of damage) and focusing on the emissions it is still nearly impossible to put numbers to it all. This is because of all the different emission contributions, so to bring it all the way down to the primary product of concrete. 1000kg of concrete will on average produce 927kg of CO2 which is a staggering amount. Can you find any other figures to help quantify it?

So although the modern day era of construction with concrete and steel is a marvel of human adventure and technology, it is clearly having a huge impact on the natural world. Sadly there isn’t much to be done about this as with growing populations there will always be a need for more structures. You can personally attempt to reduce your impact however by using environmentally friendly products in your personal DIY products and reducing the amount of concrete you use for instance when creating  new drive way etc.

Thanks for reading!

Check out this video from Red Bull 

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Large Blue - Wild Connection

Everything in the natural world is connected; parasites and hosts, predator and prey and all the other symbiotic relationships to name just a few. Many of these connections are still unknown and certain types are extremely complex and rely on multiple different organisms.

Today I’m going to be talking about the Large Blue (Maculinea arion) and for those of you who do not know this is a species of European butterfly, which were found in the UK from 1795 till 1979. But it was then reintroduced in 1984 with a greater understanding on what it requires to be successful and became one of the UKs best reintroduction programs.

The problem the large blue faced is that through its multiple life stages it requires specific habitat and conditions which were decreasing in the UK. For instance they will only lay their eggs on wild thyme or marjoram flowers but in turn these plants require certain conditions. They are generally only found in grasslands which are well drained, acidic coastal or limestone based areas which are well grazed.  This generally means that these grasslands need to be well populated by species such as rabbits which will keep the grasses low so as not to out-compete the flowers whilst not damaging the flowers themselves which happens when larger domesticated animals such as cows are present. 

Once hatched the larva depend on a single species of ant (Myrmica sabuleti). It has long been know that ants were involved in the large blue’s life cycle but it wasn’t until the late 1970s that Jeremy Thomas uncovered the specific reliance. The large blue relies on these ants in a part parasitic part symbiotic relationship, as they are taken down into the ant’s colony where they feed on the grubs both dead and alive. It is thought that this process is both parasitic and symbiotic as although some potential ants are lost from the colony the larva also is helping to effectively clean the nest of dead individuals.  

Finally the larva will metamorphose into an adult and emerge from its subterranean existence then will climb onto some vegetation and proceed to expand its wings. From that point of the butterfly will rely on wildflowers nectar as a food source to provide them with sufficient energy to find a mate and contribute to the next generation.

The extinction of the large blue in 1979 was believed to be due to a number of reasons but it boiled down to two main reasons. The first of which was due to excessive uses of pesticides in the areas it can be found which killed the butterflies at each of their life stages. While the second reason was believed to be due to our lack of understanding of the species specific behaviour and so as we changed the grasslands through overgrazing and other activities to benefit humans the butterflies suffered. Luckily however since the successful reintroduction program the is believed to be a positive growth trend in the large blue UK populations.

So to summaries this one invertebrates influences and needs within the natural world it are; two types of plants to lay their eggs, grazing animals, ants and then flowers as an adult food source and if any of this critical components are lost from the chain the large blue will become extinct as it did in 1979.

You could almost class the large blue as an umbrella species! To find out more information on umbrella species check back next week.

Thanks for reading!

Check this video from Daan Varhoeven

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Weekly Article - Back From The Brink!!

So there was a good bit of news which came out this week and I feel like it needs to be shared.

The WWF icon and a creature which is known across the world have finally made it out of the endangered classification on the IUCN Red List and into the vulnerable classification. I am of course talking about the giant panda! This is a big deal as giant pandas have been classed as endangered since 1990 despite a massive effort across the world in an attempt to increase their population numbers.

Pandas are a huge and controversial deal in the world of conservation for many reasons; there are several different views on what exactly should be done with them. On one side of the argument people believe that it is extremely important to conserve as it is because of human activities that they are struggling. The other side of the argument believes that too much funding goes into pandas as an individual species, which could be spent in better areas with potentially more success. However it is important that although pandas are extremely hard to keep and breed in captivity, but then again they are also a flag ship species and bring in a lot of money for all sorts of conservation charities.

What are your thoughts on panda conservation?

Check out the BBC news article here

The IUCN RED LIST page where The giant panda has been reclassified 

Thanks for reading!

Check out this video from jamesccostello

Check out this video from The North Face 

Monday, 5 September 2016

Fact File 005 - Plastic's Are Eternal

If you live in the UK you might have heard some good environmental news the other day relating to plastic, or to be more accurate micro beads. These beads can be found in lots of different types of cosmetic and beauty products and are a ecological disaster, in the UK however a recent pledge has been made to ban the use of these beads by 2017.

So because of this news today's fact file will be focusing on plastics.

  • Only a very small amount of plastic we produce globally is ever recovered to be recycled (5%), the majority of it heads to landfills, where it makes up 10% of all waste generated. Also sadly a lot of it is sweep into the oceans to become part of the large garbage patches which are forming there. In Los Angeles for instance 10 metric tons of plastic are swept into the sea every day.

  • The plastic which has been swept into the sea has an extreme effect on marine life. 1 million sea birds and 100,000 marine mammals are estimated to be killed annually by plastic. This can take several forms, for instance turtles and other creature’s mistake bags for jelly fish and so ingest the plastic and then starve as they fill their stomachs with indigestible products. While many sea birds become trapped in some types of plastic and then either suffocate of drown because of it.

  • The main problem with plastics is the time it takes to decompose. Depending on the type it can take anywhere from 500 to several 1000s of years to breakdown. There is a hope that bacteria hold a solution to our ever growing piles of waste plastic. A lot of work is being done to attempt to find viable bacteria which can be used to speed up the rate of decay of plastics.

Check out this link for more information

  • Recycling even a little bit of plastic will make a difference as recycling will save 3-5x the energy used to produce fresh products. Also with the 32.5% of plastic recycled in 2006 equates to 39.4 million cars worth of emission being removed, or 222.1 million barrels of oil saved.

  • Finally if you have the time check out this link from ecologycenter to give you a few tips and trick on how you can either completely cut out plastic from your life or at least reduce your consumption of it.

Thanks for reading!

What do you do to try and reduce your plastic consumption?

Check out this video from NeilPryde Wind