The product which was being advertised was a new search engine
called Ecosia. It functions exactly the same as google except the advertising
revenue which it generates as you use the search engine is put towards planting
trees across the world. A cool feature
of it is that the is a real time counter of how many trees they have managed to
fund as a collective but also a personal count of how many searches you have
undertaken in the top right. According to Ecosia it takes on average 45
searches for you to create enough funds to plant a tree.
So a few facts about Ecosia as a search engine, they claim
to currently process 56 searches a second with over 5.5 million active users. Which
are some big numbers and at the current time of writing this they have planted
14,606,959 trees which is amazing. Now as a search engine it is never going to
replace Google in most people eyes as they currently have 1.17 billion users
with 40,000 searches a second but is they could achieve even a 1/20 of these numbers it would create something massive.
So if everyone was to use this search engine in
conjunction with Google it would start to make a real difference.
So go check it out and get planting those trees (through
Thanks for reading!
Check out this video from Ecosia
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