

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Weekly Article - Communication Is Key

After just having a couple of lectures which focused on the behaviour and ability of animals to communicate with each other, I found these two interesting articles. They highlight how humans are not the only species to have advanced communication skills, although of course they are the most advanced species in terms of communication.

These types of studies are extremely important because not only do they allow an insight into the evolution of language and suggest how human communication began and evolved, they also give an insight into the behaviour of the subject species and so provide more information about reaction to stimuli and how the species react and interact as a group.

Communication makes up the bedrock of society and whether its simply warning that a predator is near or long complex sentences, without it no social structures we see today would exist.

Check out these links!

Japanese bird species using syntax

Wolves have howling dialects

Thanks for reading!

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