

Thursday 20 August 2015

Solar Power A Start

This article has just been put up on science alert and it's well worth a read.

Renewable energy needs to start playing a more substantial role in the worlds energy demand if we want to reduce and slow climate change.

Solar panels for houses are a brilliant idea and if you have the money I urge you to get them, it is an investment which will return the money you put in with free electricity and an small income (depending on the feed in tariff you are on) when any excess power you produce if feed into the national grid. However personal power use is nothing compare to some commercial use and so it falls to large business such as this airport to step up to begin to make a change.

 Thanks for reading.

another article worth a read

Check out this video of the first solar powered plane to fly round the world.

It shows just what we can achieve with solar power!

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