

Sunday, 19 April 2015

The Plan

The Plan

So first a bit of back ground on myself

I’m a current student and because of this I have spent 3 years in different house shares and I’m currently living in a house share with 6 other people. Now as a university student studying zoology the environment is close to my heart and it is for this reason I’ve decided to write this blog. The general plan for this blog is to give the readers a few ideas of how they can act to benefit the environment around them and will also allow them save you a bit of money in a few places.

Now most of these ideas might be well known by the readers of this blog, but I just wanted to be able to give a reminder to everyone and possibly a new view of simple ways to change your lifestyle so as to benefit the environment.

There are countless articles on both news channels and scientific journals of the effect that human activity has on both the environment in the form of climate change, pollution and other such things and the rate at which other species we share this planet with are in decline and becoming extinct. This cannot continue at it’s current rate and with the human population still growing everyone has to change to make living more sustainable.

Now I don’t want to be one of those people who are wandering round the streets with a wellie on my head shouting at walls saying the end is nigh but there are changes we are going to have to make if humans want to continue to live in the same comfort and among the same diversity of life we currently have and are losing, everyone is going to have to learn and play their part.

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