Now Zoos are an organisation which can be quite controversial,
there are always images in the media which show animals in terrible condition
in small cages in very poor conditions. This is of course a situation that no
one should every condone, Sea World in America has been in the media a lot
recently due to the fact that they keep Orcas in extremely small tanks and
their captivity dramatically reduces the animals life expectancy. It’s sad to
say that Zoos in developing countries tend to be general worst for their animal
care than Zoos in more developed countries, of course this isn’t always the
case as is can be seen in Sea World. But there are differences, all Zoos are
profit organisations and are a business with the aim to make money, but some
are a lot better than others.
I don’t want to talk about the bad sides of Zoos, I instead want
to bring to everyone attention a lot of the good work Zoos do in terms of
conservation of endangered animals. Within Europe in 2002 it became a legal
obligation for Zoos to participate in ex situ conservation, and this law was
fulling incorporated into UK Zoos in 2003. Every year Zoos from across the
world spend millions on conservation efforts for both captive and wild animals.
Information about a specific Zoo can be found in either the information boards
within the Zoos or on their websites so it’s always worth reading before and
during you time at the Zoo.

Finally Zoos are extremely important in the continued
education of younger generations in the importance of conservation, with many
of them possessing facilities to teach classes on the effects their actions
have on the environment around them. Education is important as it is the future
generations which are going to have to work the hardest to combat the damages
humans are currently inflicting on the planet at the minute.
I hope that this post has encouraged you to take a trip down
to your local Zoo at some point soon so as to allow you to support their
conservation efforts and learn along the way. It is always important to
remember however have a look into the Zoos background before you go especially
if you are in an developing country as although a lot of them are working to
aid the conservation efforts some simply serve as a money making pit at the
cost of the captive animals welfare and I don’t condone this at all.
Thanks for reading!
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