Hygiene is important and you have to shower or have a bath
or something along those lines to stay clean. Everyone has experienced that a class
or meeting where you are sat next to someone who smelled a little ripe, and if
you haven’t then I have bad news for you. It was you who has been the one who smelt
funky in those conference meeting.
But there are showers to stay clean and fresh and then there
is excessive use of them. I run regularly and so shower after each run to wash
the sweat and dirt of and then sometimes I shower in the mornings if I’ve spent
the whole night sweating. But if you want to save power and water and so help
the environment there are a few things you need to be thinking about.

Secondly don’t just take a shower out of habit; there are
times when you need to shower twice a day but then other times when you don’t
need to shower as much because you are still clean.
The third change I suggest you make is going to take some
effort but it is worth it. It will allow you to save both money and power with
a simple change. It does of course depend on your heating system and shower
type but if your house runs of a hot water tank or has an instant shower heater
it will make a difference. I suggest you try reducing the temperature of the
heated water you use in your showers.

This might take some time to fine tune and get to a
temperature which suits you but in the long run it will help both your pocket
and the environment.
I have decided to also start adding a video to the end of
each of my posts, they will usually not be anything to do with environmental issues
but will hopefully show you amazing scenery which we need to respect and
preserve. So I’m showing you the videos in a hope to remind you of what you are
trying to save by changing your lifestyle. You must always remember the world
is to be enjoyed while attempting to have a minimal impact.